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How I unexpectedly discovered a ChatGPT-powered SaaS idea I didn't know I needed

You know that excitement when you come across a piece of technology that completely captivates you? That's how I felt when I first laid eyes on ChatGPT by OpenAI. I was eager to create something truly unique and valuable with it, but I refused to settle for just any idea that crossed my path.

As I explored numerous concepts, I noticed that many suggestions out there only served as a wrapper around ChatGPT without providing any real added value. I was determined to create a tool that effectively harnessed the power of ChatGPT to offer a distinctive, valuable service. And so, my search went on.

Strangely enough, it wasn't until I stopped actively pursuing a ChatGPT-based idea that the perfect concept found me. One day, while trying to gather feedback from users on my own websites (actorle.com and moviedle.xyz), I realized how unappealing the standard feedback forms were. Simultaneously, attempting to hold personal conversations with every user turned out to be too time-consuming and impractical.

That's when it dawned on me: why not use ChatGPT to develop a more engaging and efficient feedback collection system? It was the perfect way to utilize the power of AI while addressing a real-world problem.

Excited to test my idea, I conducted some research and swiftly put together an MVP that I could integrate into my own websites. To my delight, the new ChatGPT-powered feedback system exceeded my expectations, and I knew I had discovered something special.

Now, I'm ecstatic to share this ground-breaking solution with the world. I've transformed my idea into a publicly available product called RealFeedback, which you can find at realfeedback.co. This ChatGPT-powered chatbot for websites simplifies collecting user feedback, providing website owners with priceless insights based on user interactions.

So that's the story of how I unexpectedly uncovered an amazing ChatGPT-powered SaaS idea when I wasn't even looking for one. Sometimes, the best ideas truly come to us when we least expect them.

April 3, 2023